Hotel Accommodations
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Golden Nugget Biloxi Hotel & Casino.
Please make your reservation at the Golden Nugget Biloxi Hotel & Casino by calling using LTASA’s group code, S220384. When making your room reservation you must let them know that you are with theLouisiana Tire and Automotive Service Association to receive the room rate discount. All room rates are for single/double occupancy. Additional fees apply for third and fourth guests in a room.
Golden Nugget Biloxi Hotel & Casino
151 Beach Boulevard
Biloxi, MS 39530
Reservation Phone Number: 1-800-777-7568
Block Code: S220384
Rate: $79.99-189.99 plus applicable taxes *prices vary depending on single or double and which day
Rooming Deadline: September 28, 2022