Louisiana Tire & Automotive Services Association

Exhibitor Terms and Conditions

Exhibitor Terms and Conditions

Waiver, Assumption of Risk, & Release
LTASA nor Golden Nugget Biloxi Hotel & Casino can prevent you from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 or any other communicable disease while attending the exposition. It is not possible to prevent against the presence of the disease. Therefore, if you choose to exhibit at and attend the exposition you may be exposing yourself to and/or increasing your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19 or another communicable disease. By signing this contract,
· you understand the above warning concerning COVID-19 and communicable diseases,
· you understand the risk of contracting COVID-19 for yourself and/or your agents and employees in order to exhibit at and attend the exposition,
· you agree these services are of such value that you accept the risk of being exposed to, contracting, and/or spreading COVID-19 or other communicable diseases in order to exhibit at and attend the exposition, 
· you hereby forever release and waive my right to bring suit against Show Management and its owners, officers, directors, managers, officials, trustees, agents, employees, or other representatives in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19 or other communicable diseases related to attendance at the exhibition, and
· you understand that this waiver means your give up the right to bring any claims including for personal injuries, death, disease, or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence, and give up any claim you may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen.

Privacy Policy for Use of Attendee Information
LTASA shares the contact information of attendees before and after the trade show as a benefit to exhibitors.  By signing this contract, exhibitors acknowledge that the use of this contact information unrelated to the promotion of products and services featured at the October 21, 2022 Trade Show, or the distribution of this information to a third party, is strictly prohibited.

Hotel Reservations
Exhibitor personnel are responsible for making hotel reservations directly with the hotel. Reservations should be made with the Golden Nugget Biloxi Hotel and Casino, 151 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS 39530.  To make reservations, call 1-800-777-7568 and use the group code: S220384 or follow this link (no group code needed.) The single group rates are $79.99 for October 19-20 plus tax and fees.  The single group rates for October 21-22 are $169.99 plus tax and fees. The double group rates are $99.99 for October 19-20 plus tax and fees. The double group rates for October 21-22 are $189.99 plus tax and fees. Hotel reservations must be made by September 28, 2022.

Payment & Booth Space Reservation
Full payment must accompany this application. All space is sold on a “No Refund Basis.” All reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis, without exception. LTASA reserves the right to make the final determination of all space assignments in the best interest of the trade show. All exhibitor requests will be honored to the best of the association’s ability.

Exhibit Cancellations and No-Shows
All exhibitor sales are final. Upon receipt of contract, no refunds will be made for cancellations or failure to show.  No refunds will be given for unused space or for space that is only used during a portion of the exhibit period.

On-Site Check-In
All exhibitor personnel must check-in at the LTASA registration desk during regular meeting registration hours.

Shipping of Materials
Exhibitor personnel are responsible for making all of their own shipping arrangements.  Shipping of goods to and from the exhibiting site must be made no more than 3 working days prior to the conference start date.  Vendors need to bring their own preprinted shipping labels if they have anything to be return shipped from here upon conclusion. Address packages as: Guest Name and Group Name, c/o Golden Nugget Biloxi Business Center, 151 Beach Blvd., Biloxi, MS 39530. All items must be numbered and clearly marked for the Louisiana Tire and Automotive Service Association, as well as your organization’s name, the contact person who will claim the item(s), and your booth number. Golden Nugget Biloxi Hotel & Casino reserves the right to refuse receipt of any package.  Shipping/Receiving Department is open until 3:00pm Central Time, Monday – Friday. Please note that deliveries are not accepted on Saturday or Sunday, so please plan your shipments accordingly.

Exhibit Hall Information
4 weeks prior to the trade show, LTASA will send a packet via email which will include confirmation of all contracted agreements, personnel registered, initial attendee list, convention agenda, and information from Golden Nugget Biloxi for additional services. Fees may apply.  Please remember that the exhibit space IS carpeted for the year’s show.

Use and Management of Space
The trade show will be held in the Grand Ballroom.  Exhibits must be staffed at all times while exhibits are open. No subletting or sharing of booth space is permitted.  All exhibitors’ activities must be confined to the limits of rented space and must not impede traffic or interfere with the activities of other exhibitors.  Exhibitors may arrange their exhibits as desired, but the arrangement must not interfere with the light or space of other exhibitors. Should it be necessary for an exhibit to extend beyond the booth specifications of this contract, permission must be obtained in writing from LTASA at least 2 weeks prior to the trade show.

Distribution of Literature/Products
Exhibitors are permitted to promote products, equipment, and/or services, as well as distribute product samples and literature. Such items may only be distributed within the booth space assigned to the exhibitor presenting such material.  Organizations not assigned a booth space will not be permitted to solicit business.

Liability and Insurance
LTASA does not guarantee against loss or damage of any kind.  The exhibitor shall understand that neither LTASA nor the Golden Nugget Biloxi Hotel & Casino provide this as an insured protection.  It is the decision of the exhibitor to obtain such insurance.  Any claims against any party other than LTASA are to be submitted directly to the party involved. 

Protection of the Trade Show Facility
Exhibitors are liable for damage to the property: no material or matter of any kind shall be posted, tacked, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors, or other parts of the building and furnishings.  Whatever may be necessary to protect the building, equipment, or furniture will be installed at the exhibitor's expense.  Painting in the space is prohibited. The cost of repairing any damage to the facility caused by the exhibitor, its employees, representatives, or agents will be billed to and paid by the exhibitor.

Termination of Conference and Exposition
Should the premises in which the trade show is to be held become, in the sole judgment of the Association, unfit for occupancy, or should the convention and trade show be materially interfered with by reason of action of the elements, strike picketing, boycott, embargo, injunction, war, riot, emergency declared by a governmental agency, or any other act beyond the control of LTASA, the contract for exhibit space may be terminated. LTASA will not incur liability for damages sustained by exhibitors as a result of such termination.  In the event of such termination, the exhibitors expressly waive such liability and release the Association of and from all claims for damages and agree that the Association shall have no obligation except to refund to exhibitors pro-rated shares of the aggregate amounts received by the Association as rental for exhibit spaces after deducting all expenses in connection with such exhibits, including reasonable reserves for claims, such deduction being hereby specifically agreed to by the exhibitor.

Changes to These Rules
LTASA reserves the right to make changes to these rules.  Any matters not specifically covered herein are subject to change at the discretion of the Association.

Contact Information
Please contact us at info@ltasa.org or (225)343-2776 with any questions about this contract.

(225) 343-2776
